Dr. Ilya Krasnikov received his Ph.D. in Physics in 2007.

He is an expert in a field of mathematical modeling. He won The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) three times (2008-2011). Due to DAAD financing the joint work was done in Saarbrucken, Germany




Ph.D. in Physics, Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk, Russia.

Thesis: Thermal effects of laser irradiated biological tissues.


M.Sc., Applied Math., Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia;

Diploma with "summa cum laude"

Thesis: Thermal fields of multilayered biological tissues calculation during laser radiation.

Current research interests

Biophotonics: light propagation into medium using the Monte-Carlo Method;

Photo-Dynamic Therapy and Biophysics: the spatial temperature distribution in biological tissues during laser radiation using Finite Element Method;

Nanoparticles in medicine: light and thermal distribution in biological tissues containing nanoparticles;

• Red Blood Cells membrane ion transport simulation.

Research experience


Several grants from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Researcher, Biophysics research group (Prof. Dr. Ingolf Bernhardt), Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany:

• Red blood cells membrane ion transport simulation;

• Red blood cells membrane proteins fluorescence correlation spectroscopy;

• Simulation of thermal influence on red blood cell in optical tweezers.

Since 2007

Assistant Professor, Researcher, Theoretical and Experimental Physics Dept., Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia:

• Simulation of optical-thermal response of complex laser irradiated biological tissues.

• Light and thermal distribution in biological tissues containing nanoparticles.

Training experience

Since 2009

Assistant professor, Theoretical and Experimental Physics Dept., Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia.

Since 2007

Supervisor for several students during their Bachelor and Master theses, Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia.


Lecturer Lecturer, Theoretical and Experimental Physics Dept. Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia.


Since 2009

Leading programmer, project manager, leading expert of IT Department, Asian-Pacific Bank, Blagoveshchensk, Russia

• Software development;

• Debt management;

• Responsible for information security


Leading programmer, leading expert of IT Department, Credit Agency Ltd., Blagoveschensk, Russia

• Software development;

• Debt management;

• Analytic instruments development;

• Responsible for information security.


Russian (native), English (fluent), German (beginner), motivated to learn new languages

Technical skills

• C\C++, C#, Delphi;

• SQL (Oracle, MS SQL, Interbase/Firebird);

• Matlab, MathCAD, ORIGIN, COMSOL;

• CVS, UML, Audio-video processing tools;

• General knowledge of most modern software;

• Capability of easily assimilate and work with any software. Motivated to learn new programming languages.

Main publications

1. Krasnikov I., Seteikin A., Bernhardt I. Thermal processes in red blood cells exposed to infrared laser tweezers (λ = 1064 nm) // Journal of Biophotonics, Vol. 4, № 3, 206-212 (2011);

2. Krasnikov I., Popov A., Seteikin A., Myllyla R. Influence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on skin surface temperature at sunlight irradiation // Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 2 (12), 3278-3283 (2011);

3. Pavlov M. S., Krasnikov I. V., and Seteikin A. Yu., "Monte Carlo modeling of optical-radiation propagation in biological media with closed internal inhomogeneities // Journal of Optical Technology 77, 602-605 (2010);

4. Krasnikov I.V., Seteikin A. Yu., Popov A. P., Control of sun- and thermal protecting properties of human skin by administration of titanium dioxide nanoparticles // Optics and Spectroscopy 109 (1), 1218-1223 (2010).

5. Krasnikov I. V., Popov A. P., Seteikin A. Yu., Fotiadi A. E. Temperature reaction of the nanoparticle-containing biotissue caused by UV-A and UV-B irradiation, Scientific and Technical Reports SPbGPU, Vol.73 (1), pp. 115-120 (2009).

6. Pavlov M. S., Krasnikov I. V., Seteikin A. Yu. Three-dimensional model of light propagation in biological tissues // Scientific and Technical Reports SPbGPU, Vol. 67 (6), pp. 120-123 (2008).

7. Seteikin, A. Yu., Krasnikov, I. V. Research on thermal influence of laser radiation on skin with non-trivial geometry // Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6826 (2008).

8. Seteikin, A. Yu., Krasnikov, I. V. The analysis of the thermal effects arising at interaction of laser radiation with the multilayered biomaterial by using Monte Carlo method // Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6595 (2007).

9. Krasnikov I. V., Seteikin A. Yu. Calculating the temperature fields that appear when laser radiation interacts with multilayer biological material // Journal of Optical Technology, Vol.73, pp.175-177 (2006).

10. Krasnikov I. V., Seteikin A. Yu. An analysis of thermal effects resulting from laser radiation interaction with a multilayered biotissue // Russian Physics Journal, Vol. 49 (10), pp. 1139-1144 (2006).