
Scientific papers in refereed/international journals:

1. A.Y. Seteikin, I.A. Ershov, M.M. Gershevich. The simulation of the interaction between low-intensity laser beams and multilayer scattering biological materials - Technical physics - Vol. 47 - №1 - 2002, p.97-101.

2. A.Y. Seteikin. Analysis of the diffusion processes of the laser radiation in multilayered biomaterials with the Monte-Carlo method. - Russian Physics Journal.- №3 - 2005.-p.53-57

3.A.Y.Seteikin The model of calculation of the temperature fields, which appear under the laser radiation influence on multilayered biomaterials.- Journal of Optical Technology.- Vol.72 -№7 - 2005.-p.42 -47.

4.A.Y. Seteikin Monte-Carlo analysis of laser radiation propagation in multilayer biological materials// Optics and Spectroscopy- 2005.- Vol.99, No.4.- P.659-662.

5.A.Y. Seteikin , I.V. Krasnikov Calculation of the temperature fields arising at interaction of laser radiation with a multilayered biomaterial.- Journal of Optical Technology. -2006-Vol.73.-№ 3. - p.31-35.

6. A. Seteikin, I. Krasnikov Research an thermal influence of laser radiation an skin with non-trivial geometry/ 2007, Proc. of SPIE, Vol 6826, P.127-131

7. A.Yu. Seteikin, I.V. Krasnikov, A.P. Popov, A.E. Fotiadi, “Thermal reaction of nanoparticles-contained biotissue on UVA and UVB irradiation”, Scientific-Technical News of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University,- 2009, № 1 (73), P. 113-118

8. I.V. Krasnikov, A.Yu. Seteikin, A.P. Popov Measurement of Sun and Heat Protecting properties of Human Skin through Addition of Titanium Dioxide // Optics and Spectroscopy- 2010.- Vol.109, No.2.- P.298-303.

9. A.Yu. Seteikin, V.E. Privalov Fotoblation of the biological tissues // Vestnik of St. Petersburg State University, - 2010.- No.2.- P.225- 237.

10. Krasnikov I., Seteikin A., Bernhardt I. Simulation of laser light proropagation and thermal processes in red blood cells exposed to infrared laser tweezers (λ = 1064 nm) // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) - 2010. - Vol. 19., № 4. - P. 330-337.

11. M. S. Pavlov, I. V. Krasnikov, A. Yu. Seteĭkin Monte Carlo modelling of optical-radiation propagation in biological media with closed internal inhomogeneities // Journal of Optical Technology. -2010 - Vol.77.-№ 10. - P. 602-605.

12. Krasnikov I., Seteikin A., Bernhardt I. Thermal processes in red blood cells exposed to infrared laser tweezers ( = 1064 nm) // Journal of Biophotonics. -2011. - Vol. 4., № 3. - P. 206-212.

13. I. Krasnikov, A. Popov, A. Seteikin, R. Myllyla. Influence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on skin surface temperature at sunlight irradiation // Biomedical Optics Express, 2011 - Vol. 2, Issue 12, pp. 3278-3283

Papers in Edited proceedings

1. A.Y. Seteikin, V.N. Gavrilenko. Automated systems of the dosimetry laser by interaction with multilayered biological materials - Proceedings of the 3-rd international, scientific technical Conference "Quantum Electronics" -Minsk - 2000 - p.193-194.

2. A. Y. Seteikin Calculation of the temperature fields within the laser irradiation on biomaterials. - Proceedings of the Fourth Asia - Pacific Conference "Fundamental problems of Opto- and Microelectronics" - Khabarovsk- 2004, p.459-464.

3. A.Y. Seteikin, V.N. Gavrilenko. Calculation of the temperature fields resulting from the processes of laser radiation scattering in multilayered biomaterials.- Proceedings of the International Conference "Laser-optical technologies in biology and medicine" -Minsk-2004- p.239-244.

4. A.Y. Seteikin, V.N Gavrilenko Consideration of the scattering processes during interaction of laser radiation with the transparent biomaterials. - Proceedings of the International Conference "Laser-optical technologies in biology and medicine" -Minsk-2004- p.245-249.

5. A.Y. Seteikin , I.V. Krasnikov The simulation of photon propagation into the tissue with non-trivial geometry - Book of abstracts International Conference Advanced Laser Technologies ALT-07, Levi, Finland, P. 107

6. I.Krasnikov, A.Seteikin, I.Bernhardt Estimation of thermal influence of infrared (λ= 1064 nm) laser tweezer on red blood cell. - Book of astracts 17 th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT 09), Antalya, Turkey, 2009 - P.151.

7. I.V. Krasnikov, A.Yu. Seteikin, A.P.Popov Thermal effects of UV radiation on skin with embedded TiO2 nanoparticles. - Abstracts of XXth International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Sibiu, Romania, 2009 - P.42.

8. Pavlov M. S., Setejkin A. Yu. Three-dimensional Monte-Carlo simulation of light propagation in biological tissues // Book of abstracts International Conference "Laser Applications in Life Sciences" (LALS 2010), Oulu, Finland, 2010. - P.106.

9. Pavlov M. S., Setejkin A. Yu. Three-dimensional Monte-Carlo simulation of light propagation in biological tissues // Book of abstracts International Conference "Laser Applications in Life Sciences" (LALS 2010), Oulu, Finland, 2010. - P.106.